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Discover the secrets of successful retail marketing at the eCommerce Forum

London will play host to the next eCommerce Forum on February 4th 2025 at the Hilton London Canary Wharf – It could be the most productive day you spend out of the office next year, so register as a delegate now you want to join us!

Don’t delay! Register today.

You’ll have the opportunity to:-

• Meet with innovative suppliers for a series of face-to-face, pre-arranged meetings based on your own requirements.
• Network with like-minded peers.
• Attend a series of insightful seminar sessions.
• Enjoy complimentary lunch and refreshments.

Would you like to join us? Register today!

February 4th 2025 at the Hilton London Canary Wharf.

Don’t delay! Register here.

It could be the most productive day you spend out of the office next year, so act swiftly if you want to join us.

You’ll have the opportunity to:-

• Meet with innovative suppliers for a series of face-to-face, pre-arranged meetings based on your own requirements.
• Network with like-minded peers.
• Attend a series of insightful seminar sessions.
• Enjoy complimentary lunch and refreshments.

Would you like to join us? Register today!

ANALYTICS MONTH: Make the best data-driven solutions by choosing the best solutions

Data-driven decision making is paramount. For senior digital marketing professionals, selecting the right analytics solution provider is crucial for gaining valuable insights into audience behaviour, campaign performance, and overall business success. Here’s a guide to help you navigate the market and choose the ideal partner…

Define Your Analytics Needs

  • Identify Key Metrics: Determine the specific data points you need to track, such as website traffic, user behaviour, conversion rates, and customer acquisition costs.
  • Consider Integration: Evaluate the need for integration with existing marketing tools (e.g., CRM, email marketing platforms) for a holistic view of the customer journey.
  • Scalability: Consider your organisation’s growth plans and select a solution that can adapt to increasing data volumes and complexity.

Prioritise Data Accuracy and Reliability

  • Data Quality: Ensure the provider offers robust data collection and processing methods to guarantee data accuracy and reliability.
  • Data Governance: Understand the provider’s data security and privacy practices to protect sensitive customer information.
  • Data Validation: Look for solutions with built-in data validation and cleaning capabilities to minimize errors and inconsistencies.

Evaluate Features and Functionality

  • Advanced Analytics: Seek solutions that offer advanced features like predictive analytics, machine learning, and AI-powered insights for uncovering hidden patterns and trends.
  • Customisation Options: A flexible platform that can be tailored to your specific business needs and industry is essential.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Choose a solution with a user-friendly interface that allows both technical and non-technical users to access and understand data effectively.

Build Strong Partnerships

  • Vendor Reputation: Research the provider’s reputation, experience, and customer reviews to assess their reliability and expertise.
  • Implementation Support: Evaluate the vendor’s ability to provide seamless implementation, training, and ongoing support.
  • Data Ownership: Understand the terms of data ownership and access to ensure you retain control over your valuable insights.

Embrace the Future of Analytics

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning: Look for solutions that leverage AI to automate data analysis,identify trends, and generate actionable insights.
  • Customer Data Platform (CDP):: Consider integrating a CDP with your analytics solution for a unified view of customer data across channels.
  • Privacy and Compliance: Stay updated on data privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR) and choose solutions that comply with these standards.

By following these guidelines, senior digital marketing professionals can make informed decisions when selecting analytics solution providers. A trusted partner can empower your organisation to make data-driven decisions, optimise marketing campaigns, and ultimately drive business growth.

Are you searching for Analytics solutions for your organisation? The Digital Marketing Solutions Summit can help!

Photo by Melanie Deziel on Unsplash

Personalised promotions are ‘twice as likely’ to convert UK shoppers

While discount codes top UK consumers preferred promotions, offers that are personalised and tailored to a specific product a consumer has viewed are almost twice as likely to prompt a sale compared to general ‘range-wide’ discounts, according to a survey of over 1,500 shoppers.

Original research by AI-driven performance marketing solution Wunderkind, published in its 2024 Consumer Insights Report, revealed that demand for personalised promotions remains critical to re-engaging consumers in the online buying journey, with 83% more likely to purchase from brand messages that highlight exact products they have recently browsed.

And, according to the poll, almost half (49%) of UK consumers are more likely to make a purchase when they are offered personalised, product specific discounts for items they had already viewed, compared to a quarter (26%) who would be influenced to buy after receiving general, brand-wide promotions.

While discount codes remained the most effective promotional lever for 54% of UK consumers, the poll highlighted the role of personalisation and product-specific offers in promotional effectiveness.  Over a quarter (27%) would be prompted to convert by reminders or low stock warnings about items they had put in their online shopping baskets, while 22% said they would be persuaded to buy after receiving a ‘back in stock’ message about an item they had previously viewed.  Meanwhile, a further fifth (19%) of shoppers would be influenced by offers on new products promoted to them that were similar to products they had looked at previously.

Wulfric Light-Wilkinson, International General Manager of Wunderkind, said: “Despite falling inflation, consumers continue to display high-consideration buying behaviours, often taking longer to validate where and when to spend.  In this context, bringing customers back to the products they’ve shown the highest interest and intent towards becomes all the more important.  To do this effectively, retailers need to be able to identify that individual shopper – regardless of device or cookie status – and then retarget them with highly personalised triggered messages, at the right time and via the right channels.”

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash