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Workbooks aids CRM management with Enrich

UK-based CRM vendor Workbooks has launched its data enrichment tool, Workbooks Enrich, which is designed to increase productivity and make life easier for marketing and sales departments through richer information on contacts in their CRM.

Enrich automatically searches the web and pulls in data to provide users with a far more detailed view of the people and organisations they are engaging with.

This information enables greater personalisation of sales conversations, marketing campaigns, and customer service engagements. Consequently it drives far greater effectiveness across those core business areas, delivering significant returns to Workbooks users.

To date, organisations have either managed without this information or salespeople, marketers and customer service reps have had to search for it themselves. Workbooks Enrich does all this work for them. They simply enter the contact email address and Workbooks Enrich gathers any public information available on the web, including data from sites such as LinkedIn, Google, Facebook and Twitter, and enhances the personal and corporate profile for that contact in CRM – at the click of a button. It is delivering efficiency as well as effectiveness.

“As consumers we are very used to finding the information we need available at the time and place we need it,” says Workbooks CEO, John Cheney. “With Enrich we’re changing the game. We’re bringing the ease and functionality of the consumer world into the business world, providing our users with immediate access to valuable data. We help our customers get 360-degree insights into the people that matter most to them. It’s yet another exciting addition to the fast-growing Workbooks suite.”