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Printer launches ‘Together We Are Stronger’ Poster Campaign to Support NHS

Printing firm Where The Trade Buys has launched a campaign to show support for the NHS during the Covid-19 pandemic.

As part of its ‘Together We Are Stronger’ campaign, the company is calling on people to print off its posters and colour them in, to their own tastes, and share them on social media.

The campaign launch coincides with the UK public’s overwhelming response to ‘Clap for our Carers’, which saw people head for their balconies, windows, and doors, to applaud NHS health workers in their efforts to fight Covid-19.

Louise Stephenson, Managing Director at Where The Trade Buys, said: “The pressure the NHS staff are under at the moment is unimaginable. At a time of crisis, it is imperative that we all pull together and there’s no better way to do that than through social engagement.

“While the majority of us are limited to the confines of our own homes, it is a great way to interact with our families and celebrate our unsung heroes. Let’s share these posters on social media and show the NHS we are all behind them and put a smile back on their face.” 

The company is urging people to share the posters between family and friends and engage with the hashtag #TogetherAtHome on social media, and will re-tweet anyone who tags it too.

To download the free poster, visit