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Social Media Management

SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT: Top tools for every marketer’s toolkit

There are a plethora of social media management tools are available, designed to streamline workflows, boost engagement, and unlock valuable insights. Let’s explore some of the most popular choices amongst marketing professionals…

The Big Three:

  • Hootsuite: A veteran in the social media management space, Hootsuite offers a comprehensive suite of tools for scheduling posts across various platforms, managing multiple accounts, and monitoring brand mentions. Its strength lies in its user-friendly interface and robust analytics features.

  • Buffer: Known for its user-friendly approach and focus on scheduling and publishing content, Buffer is a favourite amongst smaller marketing teams and social media beginners. It excels in content queueing and offers browser extensions for seamless content sharing from various platforms.

  • Sprout Social: A well-rounded platform catering to larger marketing teams, Sprout Social boasts powerful social listening capabilities alongside scheduling and analytics tools. It shines in its ability to manage customer relationships through social media channels, fostering better brand-customer interaction.

Rising Stars:

  • Later: A social media management tool specifically designed for visual content, Later prioritizes scheduling posts for Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok. Its visual calendar and drag-and-drop functionality make it ideal for creating a cohesive visual social media presence.

  • SocialPilot: Known for its affordability and ease of use, SocialPilot offers scheduling, analytics, and basic social listening features across various platforms. It’s a valuable option for startups or solopreneurs looking for a cost-effective social media management solution.

  • Sendible: A feature-rich platform catering to large agencies and enterprises, Sendible offers advanced social listening capabilities, team collaboration tools, and in-depth reporting. Its strength lies in its ability to manage a vast number of social media accounts and complex workflows.

Choosing the Right Tool

The ideal social media management tool depends on your specific needs and budget. Consider these factors when making your choice:

  • Team size and needs: Larger teams might benefit from advanced collaboration features like those offered by Sprout Social or Sendible.
  • Focus and budget: Visual content creators might find Later particularly useful, while budget-conscious teams might prefer SocialPilot.
  • Platforms you manage: Ensure the tool integrates with the social media platforms you use most frequently.

Beyond the Tools

Remember, social media management tools are powerful allies, but they’re not a silver bullet. Building a successful social media strategy requires:

  • High-quality content: Captivating content remains key to engaging your audience.
  • Social listening and audience engagement: Understanding your audience and responding to their comments and messages is crucial.
  • Data analysis and strategy adaptation: Regularly analyse your social media data and adapt your strategy to optimise performance.

Social media management tools empower marketing professionals to navigate the complexities of social media marketing more effectively. By leveraging these tools, marketers can streamline workflows, gain valuable data insights, and ultimately achieve greater engagement with their target audience. Remember, the most effective social media strategy is a collaborative effort, combining the power of technology with creativity, audience understanding, and a commitment to building relationships. So, choose your social media management tool wisely, focus on creating engaging content, and watch your brand thrive in the ever-evolving social media landscape.

Are you looking for Social Media Management solutions for your organisation? The Digital Marketing Solutions Summit can help!

SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT: Taking marketing managers beyond spreadsheets and juggling acts

Managing multiple social media platforms, scheduling content, and engaging audiences can feel like a constant juggling act. But specialist social media management solutions are here to help. These platforms offer a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline workflows, boost engagement, and gain valuable insights – all essential ingredients for a successful social media strategy. Let’s explore how senior marketing professionals can leverage these solutions to elevate their social media presence across various sectors…

Simplifying Content Management

  • Scheduling and Publishing: Schedule posts across various platforms for optimal timing, ensuring consistent and engaging content delivery. Pre-populated calendars allow for strategic planning and campaign management.
  • Collaboration and Approval Workflows: Facilitate seamless collaboration between marketing teams, allowing for easy content creation, review, and approval processes before publishing.
  • Content Libraries and Asset Management: Store and manage brand assets like images, videos, and templates within the platform, ensuring brand consistency and easy access for content creators.

Enhancing Audience Engagement

  • Social Listening and Monitoring: Track brand mentions, industry trends, and competitor activity across social media platforms. Gain valuable insights into audience sentiment and identify opportunities for engagement.
  • Community Management: Respond to comments, messages, and reviews promptly and efficiently, fostering positive brand interactions and building stronger customer relationships.
  • Social Contests and Promotions: Utilise built-in tools to run contests, giveaways, and polls, generating excitement and boosting audience participation.

Data-Driven Decision Making

  • Analytics and Reporting: Gain detailed reports on post performance, audience demographics, and engagement metrics. Use this data to identify what resonates with your audience and inform future content strategies.
  • Competitive Benchmarking: Compare your social media performance against competitors to identify areas for improvement and learn from successful strategies.
  • ROI Measurement: Track the return on investment (ROI) of your social media efforts, demonstrating the value of social media marketing to stakeholders.

Examples Across Sectors

  • Retail: Schedule product launches and promotions, showcase customer reviews, and engage with influencers to drive brand awareness and in-store footfall.
  • Travel and Hospitality: Run captivating destination photos and videos, respond to guest inquiries, and manage online reputation through social listening tools.
  • Professional Services: Position yourself as a thought leader by sharing industry insights, engage in professional discussions with relevant communities, and attract potential clients.

The Future of Social Media Management

The future of social media management solutions is exciting:

  • Integration with Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI-powered tools can help create and schedule content based on audience preferences and optimise posting times for maximum reach.
  • The Rise of Social Commerce: Social media platforms will become increasingly shoppable, allowing brands to sell directly within the platform. Management tools will integrate with e-commerce platforms, streamlining the social selling process.
  • Focus on Personalisation and Social Listening: Social media management solutions will leverage advanced algorithms to personalise content delivery and further refine social listening capabilities, allowing brands to tailor their approach to individual audience segments.

Empowering Marketing Success

Social media management solutions are no longer niche tools; they’ve become essential for senior marketing professionals. These platforms empower marketers to streamline workflows, engage audiences more effectively, and make data-driven decisions. As technology evolves, so too will social media management solutions, offering deeper insights and automation capabilities. Remember, in today’s digital age, a strong social media presence is crucial for brand awareness and customer engagement. Social media management solutions are the key to unlocking the full potential of social media marketing and achieving success across various sectors.

Are you looking for Social Media Management solutions for your organisation? The Digital Marketing Solutions Summit can help!

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT: From one-size-fits-all to personalised engagement – Where next?

For Marketing Managers and Community Managers the days of juggling multiple platforms and struggling with rudimentary scheduling tools are fading. Social Media Management (SMM) solutions have undergone a dramatic evolution, offering a more streamlined, data-driven, and audience-centric approach to social media success…

From Scheduling to Strategy

Here’s how SMM solutions are empowering marketing and community teams:

  • Unified Platform Management: Gone are the days of logging into individual social media platforms. Modern SMM solutions offer centralised dashboards to schedule posts, monitor engagement, and analyse performance across various platforms.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Today’s SMM solutions go beyond vanity metrics. They offer in-depth analytics, allowing teams to measure campaign effectiveness, identify target audience demographics, and optimise content strategies for maximum reach and engagement.
  • Content Calendar and Collaboration: SMM solutions provide powerful content calendar tools to plan, schedule, and collaborate on social media posts, ensuring consistent brand messaging and streamlined content creation.
  • Social Listening and Influencer Identification: Modern SMM solutions allow teams to monitor brand mentions, track industry trends, and identify key influencers within their target audience, fostering stronger brand communities.
  • Engagement Tools and Community Management: Engagement features like social listening tools, sentiment analysis, and automated response capabilities empower teams to respond to comments and messages efficiently, fostering positive community relationships.

The Future of Social Media Management

The UK market for SMM solutions is constantly evolving, with exciting possibilities on the horizon:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): AI and ML will power features like intelligent content creation, automated ad targeting, and personalised audience segmentation, taking social media management to a whole new level of personalisation.
  • Social Commerce Integration: SMM solutions will seamlessly integrate with e-commerce platforms, allowing for easier product promotions and in-app purchases, driving sales directly through social media interactions.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): AR and VR functionalities will be incorporated into SMM platforms, allowing brands to create immersive social media experiences that increase engagement and brand recall.
  • Focus on Employee Advocacy: SMM solutions will focus on empowering employees to become brand advocates, amplifying brand messages and building trust with audiences through genuine employee voices.
  • Micro-Influencer Marketing: Identifying and collaborating with micro-influencers – those with smaller but highly engaged followings – is likely to become a key feature of SMM solutions, allowing for targeted brand promotion with higher conversion rates.

Beyond Scheduling and Posting

Social Media Management solutions have come a long way. By offering data-driven insights, automation tools, and a focus on audience engagement, they empower Marketing Managers and Community Managers to create targeted campaigns, build stronger brand communities, and achieve greater social media success. The future of SMM solutions promises further innovation, with AI, immersive features, and a focus on employee and micro-influencer engagement playing a key role in the evolution of social media marketing strategies. Remember, social media is a dynamic environment. The most successful brands are those that can adapt their strategies and leverage cutting-edge tools to build lasting relationships with their audiences.

Are you looking for Social Media Management solutions for your organisation? The Digital Marketing Solutions Summit can help!

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

If you specialise in Social Media Management we want to hear from you!

Each month on Digital Marketing Briefing we’re shining the spotlight on different parts of the print and marketing sectors – and in May we’ll be focussing on Social Media solutions.

It’s all part of our ‘Recommended’ editorial feature, designed to help marketing industry professionals find the best products and services available today.

So, if you specialise in Social Media management and would like to be included as part of this exciting new shop window, we’d love to hear from you – for more info, contact Kerry Naumburger on

May 2024 – Social Media
June 2024 – Brand Monitoring
July 2024 – Web Analytics
Aug 2024 – Conversion Rate Optimisation
Sept 2024 – Digital Signage
Oct 2024 – Brochure Printing
Nov 2024 – Creative & Design
Dec 2024 – Online Strategy
Jan 2025 – Content Management
Feb 2025 – Lead Generation & Tracking
Mar 2025 – Email Marketing
April 2025 – Digital Printing

Do you provide Social Media Management solutions? We want to hear from you!

Each month on Digital Marketing Briefing we’ll be shining the spotlight on different parts of the print and marketing sectors – and in June we’ll be focussing on Social Media Management solutions.

It’s all part of our ‘Recommended’ editorial feature, designed to help marketing industry professionals find the best products and services available today.

So, if you specialise in Social Media Management solutions and would like to be included as part of this exciting new shop window, we’d love to hear from you – for more info, contact Lisa Carter on

Here are the areas we’ll be covering, month by month:

June – Social Media

July – Brand Monitoring

August – Web Analytics

September – Conversion Rate Optimisation

October – Lead Generation & Tracking

November – Brochure Printing

December – Creative & Design

For more information on any of the above topics, contact Lisa Carter on