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Openreach drops BT logo

Openreach has ditched the BT logo from its marketing identity as part of an agreement with Ofcom.

It comes as part of a bid to work independently from the BT Group, following the regulator’s Digital Communications Review in March 2017.

By dropping the BT branding Openreach believes that it will be treating all partners equally, including Sky, Vodafone and TalkTalk – along with BT.

Work to update the brand begins this month and continues through to April 2021, and includes new signage on over 22,000 company vans, websites, apps, stationery and workwear.

“The re-brand is also an opportunity to restate what Openreach stands for and how we want to work going forward. Openreach is all about our people and our network,” commented Clive Selley, chief executive, Openreach.

Selley concluded: “We’re demonstrating our independence, to customers and industry, in other ways too. For example, we’re changing the way we do business with our customers: we now have a confidential phase to our consultations which allows communications providers to talk about their business strategies privately with Openreach.”