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Linear TV advertising and Broadcaster VOD (BVOD) are the least risky forms of advertising, delivering just 20% of variance compared with the median return.

That’s according to research from TV marketing body Thinkbox, Gain Theory, MediaCom and Wavemaker, released to support a new cross-media optimisation tool based on its findings.

The ‘Demand Generation’ study is an econometric analysis of £1.4 billion of media spend by 50 brands across 10 forms of advertising over three years. It offers wide-ranging advice to marketers on how to maximise short-term advertising return without sacrificing sustained base growth. 

The study has also isolated the principle variables that impact advertising effectiveness, and these have been used to create ‘The Demand Generator’, a new tool that enables marketers to determine the optimal advertising media mix specific to their business and its objectives.

Key findings include:-

  • The variability of returns differs significantly across different forms of advertising
  • Linear TV advertising and Broadcaster VOD (BVOD) are the least risky forms of advertising, delivering just 20% of variance compared with the median return
  • By comparison, Online display, Cinema, Social media and Print advertising all have a variability of +/- 60% compared with the median return  
  • TV generates the highest ‘multiplier effect’ across all other channels
  • TV boosts the performance of other media channels used in a campaign by up to 54% 
  • Print, for example, boosts other channels’ performance by up to 13%
  • The average ‘multiplier effect’ across all channels is around 8%
  • This is the highest of any pure ‘demand generating’ channel, the next best is Print with 10%
  • Generic search, which straddles ‘demand generation’ and ‘demand fulfilment’ and is TV’s natural partner, delivers an average of 29% of media-driven sales within 2 weeks
  • Due to the sustained effect of advertising, during the following 6-18 months, TV goes on to deliver a further 2.4 times more sales than it generated in the first 2 weeks
  • Generic search goes on to deliver 0.8 times more sales than in the first 2 weeks and Print 1.2 times more

The new tool supported by the research – – offers practical advice on optimal media mixes based on the key variables that influence advertising effectiveness uncovered in the research. These were identified as a brand’s:-

  • Category
  • Budget
  • Brand size (annual revenue)
  • Appeal (e.g. mass market or niche)
  • % of sales that take place online 
  • Desire to minimise risk

The Demand Generator also forecasts the likely business results of following its guidance, both in terms of incremental revenue/profit per year and revenue/profit return on investment (ROI).

Matt Hill, Research and Planning Director at Thinkbox, said: “Often we do some research, release the findings and that’s that. So it’s wonderful to create something tangible and practical based on such robust insight. We hope The Demand Generator will be a helpful springboard for the many brands that don’t already do econometric analyses of their media performance. They can tailor it to their exact needs to find the best place to start from when deciding their media mix. With marketers increasingly adopting a zero-based budgeting approach, having a tool like this should provide a great evidence-based foundation on which to build their decisions.”

Jane Christian, Managing Partner, Head of Business Science, MediaCom: “Demand Generation provides the industry with the broadest view of media performance to date. It goes under the bonnet of what factors drive the optimal media plan for a brand, with The Demand Generator helping advertisers to tailor the result specifically for their brand.”

Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

Mass reach and budget ‘matters now more than ever’…

New research findings presented by Les Binet and Peter Field of the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) at an ‘Effectiveness Week’ event on October 31 has refuted the misconception that, with the rise of owned and earned online media, marketers are beginning to question the need to spend money on paid media and mass reach.

Providing analysis of the IPA Databank and drawing on IPA TouchPoints data, the findings constitute the first part of a full report to be published in 2018, indicating that penetration is still three times more likely to be the main driver of growth and profit vs loyalty. As such, brands must focus on widening their customer base for which a broad reach of owned and earned communications – particularly paid media –  and subsequent budget, are crucial.

Research also found that brands utilising paid media will typically expand three times quicker than those relying solely on owned and earned media alone. Nonetheless, adding owned media to the equation can increase the effectiveness of a paid campaign by 13 per cent, and earned media by 26 per cent.

Furthermore, adding television increases effectiveness by 40 per cent, making it the most effective platform and it is also the best for generating top-line growth that drives profit, with a 2.6 per cent average market share point gained per year when using television advertising.

IPA director of Marketing Strategy, Janet Hull OBE said: “Here lies the proof that the digital transformation has helped make mass media work even harder. It also proves that while it is good to have earned and owned media, for top-line growth brands must invest in paid-for, mass reach.”

IPA claims the one reason why television advertising effectiveness has increased is due to video on demand and online video working in synergy with live television. The research shows a 54 per cent increase in the average number of very large business effects from adding television and online video together; versus 32 per cent for just television and 25 per cent just for online video.

The latest findings are a follow up to previous reports published by Binet and Field – Marketing in the Era of Accountability (2007) and The Long and the Short of it (2011) – confirming analysis portrayed in the 2011 study that the most profitable campaigns have a 60:40 ratio of long-term brand-building media (broad reach, highly emotive) and short-terms sales activation (tightly targeted and information rich).