Young social users prefer political accounts over luxury brands…

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affilinet, one of Europe’s leading affiliate marketing networks, has revealed that young social media users between the ages of 18-24 are more likely to follow political accounts as opposed to luxury shopping brands.

The research, which surveyed 2,004 British residents and split into a range of age groups: 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54 and 55+ years old, was conducted to analyse and pin-point which social accounts different demographics are likely to follow, as well as the genre.

Director at affilinet, Helen Southgate, commented: “Social media is such a central part of millennials’ lives and it’s really insightful to see the accounts they follow. I think that this is a definite sign that young adults are tuned in to current affairs involving themselves in moneysaving, travel and politics. Brands wanting to target millennials can learn a lot from their social media habits and preferences.”

When the 18-24 year-old demographic was asked the question ‘What kind of accounts are you most likely to follow on social media?’

  1.        Money Saving – 25 per cent
  2.        Holiday / Travel – 20 per cent
  3.        Political Interest – 19 per cent
  4.        Health & Wellbeing – 17 per cent
  5.        Food & Beverage – 17 per cent
  6.        Pets / Animal – 16 per cent
  7.        Beauty – 8 per cent
  8.        Fashion – 7 per cent
  9.        Property – 6 per cent
  10.        Interior – 5 per cent

Jack Wynn

All stories by: Jack Wynn