Digital Marketing: 2018 Buying Trends

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digital marketing

Email Marketing, Web Analytics and CRM top the list of solutions the UK’s leading digital marketing professionals are sourcing in 2018.

The findings have been revealed during the build up to the Digital Marketing Solutions Summit, which takes place on May 15th. Delegates attending the event are asked which digital marketing solutions they needed to invest in during 2018 and beyond.

Over half were looking to invest in Email Marketing and Web Analytics solutions, with 49% sourcing CRM solutions. Just behind were Social Media, Content Management, Digital Strategy and SEO.

“It’s probably no surprise that Email Marketing and Web Analytics top the list of areas our delegates are most interested in,” said Digital Marketing Solutions Summit Event Manager Sam Walker. “But the full table provides a valuable insight into trends within the digital marketing sector.”

% of delegates at the Digital Marketing Solutions Summit sourcing certain products & solutions (top 10):

Email Marketing – 56%

Web Analytics – 51%

CRM – 49%

Social Media – 47%

Online Marketing Campaigns – 45%

Content Management – 44%

Online Strategy – 44%

SEO – 40%

Data Capture – 40%

Mobile Marketing – 38%

To find out more about the Digital Marketing Solutions Summit, visit


Stuart O'Brien

All stories by: Stuart O'Brien