Many organisations are more than familiar with social media, but a lot are still struggling to fully understand the benefits of embracing and applying a social media strategy.
In his talk at the Digital Marketing Solutions Summit, renown consultant Andrew Davis will look at the key components of what social media success looks like.
As one of the UK’s most prolific and sought-after digital/social media trainers, keynote speakers, workshop trainers and consultants, Andrew has applied his unique approach to clients in multiple sectors.
He worked at MySpace during its meteoric rise and fall, and has consulted on digital for KPMG, Ogilvy, Tescos, o2 and The Royal Mail among others.
To find out how your business can thrive in a digital world, register today for a FREE delegate place at the Digital Marketing Solutions Summit, which takes place on May 15th, 2018.
Places are now extremely limited – Click here to register.
In addition to insight from industry thought leaders, you’ll have the chance to meet with trusted solution providers and network with peers.
Register for your free place here.
Or for more information, contact Camilla Watkiss on 01992 376727 /