Social media solutions top marketer buying trends in 2021

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Social Media Management and Lead Generation top the list of services the UK’s leading marketing professionals are sourcing in 2021.

The findings have been revealed by the Digital Marketing Solutions Summit and are based on delegate requirements at this month’s event.

Delegates registering to attend were asked which areas they needed to invest in during 2021 and beyond.

A significant 61% are looking to invest in Social Media, followed by Lead Generation & Tracking at 58% and Customer Engagement at 56%.

Just behind were Google Ads (50%) and Email Marketing (47%).

% of delegates at the Digital Marketing Solutions Summit sourcing certain products & solutions (Top 10):

Social Media 61%
Lead Generation & Tracking 58%
Customer Engagement 56%
Google Ads 50%
Email Marketing 47%
Engagement Marketing 47%
Online Strategy 44%
Search Engine Optimisation 50%
Strategy Marketing 44%
Multi-channel Engagement 42%

To find out more about the Digital Marketing Solutions Summit, visit

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Stuart O'Brien

All stories by: Stuart O'Brien